Standardized Calculation

Pricing calculations are a complex issue in many companies, often tackled with outdated, non-standardized tools and Excel spreadsheets.

InnoMati offers a standardized, centralized system for creating and maintaining calculations, developed with over 30 years of expert knowledge in pricing calculations.

Das Dashboard der Preiskalkulationen in der InnoMati Software.Das Controlling Modul für die Pflege von Unternehmensdaten für die Kalkulation in der InnoMati Software.Die Preiskalkulation mit Prozessen, Materialkosten, Overheads, Staffelpreisen und so weiter als Übersichtsseite.

Overview of Features

InnoMati provides all the necessary features for precise and standardized product pricing calculations—without any installation or internal IT effort.

Price Calculation

InnoMati offers a modular calculation environment that allows you to flexibly integrate material costs, process and manufacturing costs, product variants, and location-specific overhead costs.

With the integrated controlling module, you can directly utilize location-specific data without relying on external references. This way, you can fully focus on what matters most: precise and reliable price calculations.

Bereich des Controlling-Moduls zur Pflege von Unternehmensdaten in der InnoMati-Webanwendung.

Central Controlling Data

InnoMati is web-based, meaning your employees can centrally access calculations and controlling data without the hassle of installing cumbersome software or dealing with complex internal communication. InnoMati works on all common web browsers, no matter where you are in the world.

The intuitive and powerful controlling module of InnoMati enables easy management of location-specific company data such as personnel, machinery, material, transport, and supplier costs. This information seamlessly integrates into the calculation module to maximize the speed and accuracy of your calculations.

Dashboard zur Übersicht von Projekten, Produktpreiskalkulationen und Reporting-Diagrammen in der InnoMati-Webanwendung.

Transparent Insights into the Calculation Process

The calculation process often runs in the background, making it difficult to gain insights into the data used and the current status of the company. InnoMati's reporting modules provide a quick and easy overview of the company-wide calculation process.

Easy Collaboration - Maximum Security

InnoMati is web-based—meaning your employees can centrally access calculations and controlling data without the hassle of installing cumbersome software or dealing with complex internal communication. InnoMati works on all major web browsers, no matter where you are in the world.

Price Calculation

The modern calculation environment allows for modular editing of a calculation, all on a dynamic page. This way, you keep all important costs in view and can quickly make adjustments to determine the optimal price and process.

Eine Beispielkalkulation einer Preiskalkulation für ein Massenfertigungsteil in der InnoMati Kalkulationssoftware.
Ein Teil der Kalkulation in der InnoMati Software, das unbegrenzt viele Materialkosten und Prozesskosten erlaubt.

Modular Structure

Add as many materials, production steps, overhead costs, additional costs, machine costs, personnel costs, and much more as you need.

Multiple Articles per Calculation

It often makes sense to calculate multiple items simultaneously to combine material costs and production steps and compare similar items. In InnoMati, you can calculate up to ten items side by side at the same time. If the same materials or production steps are used, they are automatically factored into the material price.

Die Ansicht in der Preiskalkulation mit mehreren gleichzeitig kalkulierten Artikeln und Kosten in der InnoMati Kalkulationssoftware.
Die Anzeige in der Kalkulationssoftware InnoMati mit den frei konfigurierbaren Jahresabnahmemengen pro Jahr in der Lebenszeit eines kalkulierten Produktes.

Determine Item Requirements Individually

Calculate with varying annual purchase quantities.

Detailed Cost Breakdown at a Glance

View all calculation costs summarized at a glance, including location-specific overheads.

Eine Übersicht der Gesamtkosten der einzelnen Artikel einer Kalkulation in der InnoMati Software für Kalkulation.
Eine Tabelle mit allen Projekten des Unternehmens auf einem Blick, inklusive alle zugehörigen Artikel und Anfragedaten (RFQ).

Integrated Project Management for Maximum Organization

Never search for project-related calculation files again. With the integrated project management, you always have all the data for a project at a glance.

Use simple menus to access controlling data

Controlling data forms the foundation of the calculation. The more accurate and easier to use these values are, the more secure and precise the calculation will be. Use intuitive menus to quickly access location-specific controlling data. The calculation automatically incorporates factory-specific values such as costs, overheads, transport costs, and more.

Ein Beispielmenü mit Eingabeüberwachung in der InnoMati Software für Preiskalkulation.
Eine Eingabe von Staffelpreisen, die rot markiert ist, wegen fehlerhaften Eingaben.

Maximum Data Integrity with Input Monitoring

Mistakes are human and can happen. Our intelligent input monitoring checks and rejects erroneous data, preventing the serious consequences of errors in price calculations.

Central Controlling Data

A calculation is only as good as the underlying data. With our controlling area, authorized personnel can quickly, easily, and clearly capture the most important location-specific calculation data. This data can then be used swiftly and securely in the calculation.

Bereich des Controlling-Moduls zur Pflege von Unternehmensdaten in der InnoMati-Webanwendung.
Eine Tabelle, die Mitarbeiterkosten in Produktionsunternehmen standortspezifisch frei definieren lässt.

Intuitive Tables

Employees responsible for the calculation process are comfortable with tables. Therefore, all controlling data is quickly and clearly viewable and editable in tables.

Secure and Standardized Data through Intelligent Input Monitoring

The integrity of controlling data is crucial for ensuring accurate calculations. Inputs are checked and, if necessary, rejected by intelligent forms. This ensures that calculations using these data are always possible and meaningful.

Ein Eingabefeld für die Mitarbeiterkosten, dass rot markiert ist, wegen fehlerhaften Eingaben.
Eine Tabelle, in der die unterschiedlichen Produkttypen eines Unternehmens standortspezifisch aufgelistet sind und bearbeitet werden können.

Location-Specific Values

A manufacturing company often calculates not just for one production site but for many different locations worldwide. To quickly create calculations for other sites, you can define values for the various locations in the controlling area.

Maximum Flexibility and Security

In the modern world, flexibility at work is immensely important. It is increasingly crucial for employees to access their software tools from various devices, no matter where they are. That's why we rely on modern web technologies.

Web Application

InnoMati is web-based. This means you only need a device with a web browser to use the software. Simply go to, log in, and get started—no matter where you are in the world. No installation is necessary, and we handle all software maintenance.

License-Dependent Costs

An unlimited number of employees can use InnoMati simultaneously. Billing is done monthly per workstation licence, providing maximum flexibility and complete cost transparency. Licences can be added at any time or cancelled at the end of the month.

Professional Training

The calculation process is the heart of a manufacturing company. We are pleased to offer you a comprehensive training and introduction to calculation with InnoMati. Our expert team has decades of experience in the calculation processes of medium-sized companies and is happy to support you in optimizing your processes.

Data Security

Your data is safe with us! We use modern, secure technologies and adhere to the highest security standards. Companies receive independent databases on secure servers located in their own country. Data backups and exports can be requested at any time. Please feel free to contact us with your concerns!

Contact us now for your personalized product demonstration.